DNP - Health & Clinical Requirements
The University of Iowa requires all health science students to provide documentation of the following immunizations. In addition, College of Nursing students participate in many clinical experiences and must comply with the standards agreed upon by our clinical partners. Students are expected to provide documented proof of the following health requirements upon acceptance into the college. College of Nursing contracts with Castle Branch, a service that allows students to order their own background checks online and to store all required documentation.
Criminal Background Check and Abuse Registry Checks
Ordered by student upon acceptance in to the program
Proof of 2 vaccination dates or 3 positive titers showing immunity of each of the following: measles, mumps and rubella.
Varicella vaccination series OR titer showing positive immunity.
Td/Tdap (tetanus/diphtheria)
Tetanus/diphtheria/pertussis: 1 Td at least every 10 years. Must have documentation of 1 Tdap vaccine.
Hepatitis B Vaccine and Titer:
- Vaccine series completed at the appropriate intervals, followed by an antibody titer. The titer is REQUIRED, even if series was completed as a child.
- If the Hep B titer is negative, you will need to repeat the Hep B series and have a titer drawn 4-6 weeks after the final vaccine.
- If you do not have Hep B vaccination records but believe you got them, you can get the titer to check for immunity.
TB Skin Test or Chest X-Ray or IGRA Gold Blood Test
TB Skin Test (2 step skin test required)
If you have documentation of (1) negative TST in the past 12 months, or documentation of (2) negative TSTs in your past, you need one more TST to meet the two-step requirement. A TST or IGRA is also required annually, after the two-step is completed initially.
IGRA (Interferon Gamma Release Assay- Quantiferon Gold or T-Spot) is an alternative. If you have never had any TB skin testing, the two-step TST is done as follows: The first test is placed, and results are read in 48-72 hrs. The second test is placed at least 7 days after the reading of the first test, and read at 48-72 hrs. Send documentation of both tests, and include placement date, reading date, result and mm induration.
Those with a history of a positive TST or IGRA must provide a copy of the CXR (Chest x-ray) report. If treated for LTBI (Latent TB Infection), provide medication treatment dates. Students with a history of a positive TST are also required to complete a symptom assessment initially and annually.
CPR Certification
Current certification in American Heart Association (Healthcare Provider) or Red Cross Professional Rescuer training including one and two person adult and child. Must be current.
RN License
Current RN License, including expiration date
Nurse Practitioner Certification
Certain DNP programs require proof of NP certification.
Liability/Malpractice Insurance—not required for Post-MSN-DNP students
Minimum of $1,000,000 coverage/single incident and $3,000,000/aggregate
Compliance Training
Online training provided by the College of Nursing to be completed prior to matriculation.
For any questions regarding clinical requirements, please contact Angela Worrell, Clinical Program Coordinator, at 319-335-7069 or by email at angela-melsaworrell@uiowa.edu.