Young Nurse Clinician Programs

The UI College of Nursing Young Nurse Clinician Programs provide undergraduate nursing students with a further degree of professional development under the mentorship of faculty and expert clinicians in three distinct nursing disciplines. These 1- to 3-year mentoring opportunities are open to all undergraduate and RN-BSN students who qualify.

Expand each program to learn more about expectations and application information:

Young Nurse Leader (Application Deadline: May 1)

The Young Nurse Leader (YNL) Program is a 1-year mentored program for undergraduate nursing students interested in a career in nursing leadership. This program aims to ignite a deeper interest in nursing leadership/management roles as a career path through didactic and experiential learning. The YNL program will accept up to three (3) students.

What is expected of Young Nurse Leaders?

  • Attendance at monthly meetings where students will share their experiences and plan future projects and activities.
  • Participation in shadow experiences each semester.
  • Opportunity to complete a project under the direction of the program’s practicing advisor and/or faculty mentor on a topic of interest and importance to nursing practice that results in a tangible product.

Benefits of being a Young Nurse Leader

  • Opportunities to learn and practice leadership skills in nursing.
  • Opportunity to shadow charge nurses, unit managers, divisional directors, or organizational nurse leaders
  • Opportunity to attend local, state, or national conference on nursing leadership (as funding allows)
  • A valuable and unique clinical honor on your curriculum vitae.
  • Certificate of Nursing Leadership Practicum Excellence.

Application Process
Application materials may be downloaded by the links below:

YNL Application (link to PDF)
Transcript Release Form (link to PDF)

The YNL application consists of the following items:

  • Completion of the YNL Application & Transcript Release Form.
  • Goal statement (no longer than 1 page, 12-point font) describing your interests and professional goals as they relate to nursing leadership, and your reason for interest in the YNL program.
  • Two (2) endorsements from faculty or other health care professionals confirming your potential for clinical leadership (only require their signatures on the YNL Application)

Submit all materials via email to:

Dr. Dan Lose, YNL Program Practicing Advisor:; and Dr. M. Lindell Joseph, YNL Program Faculty Advisor:

Application Deadlines:
12 p.m. (CST), May 1

Questions About the YNL Program?
We encourage you to email the program advisors to learn more about the new program.


Young Palliative Care Nurse Clinicians (Application Deadlines: November 1 for spring, April 1 for fall)

The Young Palliative Care Nurse Clinician Program is a 1-2 year mentored program for undergraduate nursing students interested in a career in palliative care. YPCNC students have the unique opportunity to work on projects and learn under the direction of a faculty mentor. Students may have the option to shadow palliative care clinicians from various disciplines, participate in service projects, and plan/attend educational offerings for health care professionals and students interested in learning more about palliative care.


  • Participation in projects of interest and importance to palliative care nursing practice
  • Attendance at meetings with the faculty mentor arranged throughout the semester to touch base on project development and progress
  • Group and/or individual activities may occur 1-2 times per month

Application Information

  • Transcript Release Form
  • Application
  • Goal statement no longer than one page describing your clinical interests and professional goals as they relate to palliative care nursing, and your reason for interest in the Young Palliative Care Nurse Clinicians Program
  • Two endorsements from faculty or other health care professionals
  • Students must have earned a GPA of 3.0 to be eligible and be enrolled in courses at the College of Nursing


  • November 1 for spring enrollment in the Young Palliative Care Nurse Clinicians Program
  • April 1 for fall enrollment

Send all materials to:
Professor Stephanie Gilbertson-White, PhD, APRN-BC
444 CNB

Questions? Please contact Professor Stephanie Gilbertson-White at or 319-335-7023.

Young Community Nurse Clinician Program (Application Deadlines: November 1 for spring, April 1 for fall)

The UI College of Nursing Young Community Nurse Clinician (YCNC) program offers a competitive and selective mentorship opportunity for undergraduate nursing students who are considering a career in community and public health nursing. Students considering a career as a Nurse Practitioner also find this program to be of benefit, as it helps to promote the development of a culturally informed understanding of populations in the community.

Nursing student participants are selected based upon their academic record, faculty endorsement, interest in vulnerable populations, and career goals as described in the goal statement application materials.

What will be expected of me as a Young Community Nurse Clinician?

  • Participation in community and public health nursing (CPHN) experiences (averaging 1-2 hrs/week), under the direction of a faculty mentor and/or expert clinician(s), that promote development of community and public health nursing leadership and knowledge.
  • Meet monthly with faculty mentor and other YCNCs to discuss CPHN clinical activities and topics.
  • Present a summary of YCNC activities at a College of Nursing and/or other professional event as requested.
  • Attend events that promote the Young Community Nurse Clinician Program, and help to promote interest in community and public health nursing (e.g., the Prescription for Success event). Meet with alumni donors as needed.
  • Attend a Community and Public Health Nursing related conference, as funds allow.
  • Students are encouraged to submit an abstract for a poster presentation at a regional conference.

What benefits will I receive?

  • Work with a faculty mentor and expert clinician(s) who best facilitate your career development.
  • Work with vulnerable populations in the community.
  • Gain a valuable and unique clinical honor to your curriculum vita.
  • Develop leadership skills in community and public health nursing.
  • Develop a network of professional colleagues and potential employers.
  • Receive recognition at graduation as a participant in the Young Community Nurse Clinician program.

Who will be my mentor?
You will be paired with a faculty mentor and expert clinician(s) who match most closely your clinical interests and professional goals.

Requirements for Application
The application consists of the following items:

  • Completion of a minimum of one semester of nursing courses in the College of Nursing, with demonstrated health assessment communication skills and interest in a CPHN career.
  • Cumulative GPA of 3.25 or higher; good academic standing.
  • Two (2) endorsements from clinical faculty or other health care professionals, who can confirm your potential for success as a Young Community Nurse Clinician.
  • YCNC Online Application 

November 1 for spring enrollment
April 1 for fall enrollment

Questions about YCNC? Contact Olivia Croskey,

Young Gerontological Nurse Clinician (YGNC) program (Open application: No deadline)

The Young Gerontological Nurse Clinician program (YGNC) is a 1-3 year mentored program for undergraduate nursing students interested in a career in gerontological nursing. This unique opportunity to participate as a YGNC is open to all undergraduate students who qualify.

What is expected of Young Gerontological Nurse Clinicians?

  • Participation in experiences that incorporate older adults in a variety of clinical settings.
  • Attendance at quarterly meetings during which students will share their experiences and plan future projects and activities.
  • Participation in an interdisciplinary interest group on aging.
  • Opportunity to complete a project under the direction of your faculty mentor and/or expert clinician on a topic of interest and importance to gerontologic nursing practice that results in a tangible product. For this project, the student may be eligible to receive 1-3 hours of Independent Study credit applicable toward graduation.

Benefits of being a Young Gerontological Nurse Clinician

  • The opportunity of registering for Independent Study for up to 3 credits toward graduation.
  • A valuable and unique clinical honor on your curriculum vitae.
  • Opportunities to learn and practice leadership skills in gerontological nursing.
  • The opportunity to attend special adult and gerontological area of study & Csomay Center events.
  • The opportunity to contribute to scholarship in gerontological nursing, including opportunities to develop and disseminate own project.
  • Opportunities to attend and present at local conferences in aging and network with other scholars in aging.

The YGNC application consists of the following items:

  • Completion of the YGNC program application.
  • Goal statement (no longer than 1 page, 12-point font) describing your clinical interests and professional goals as they relate to gerontological nursing, and your reason for interest in the YGNC program.
  • Completion of the transcript release form

The application is always open - there is no deadline to apply.

Please reach out to Daniel Liebzeit ( with any questions.

Young Pediatric Nurse Clinician Program (YPNCP) (Application Deadlines: November 1 for spring, April 1 for fall)

The Young Pediatric Nurse Clinician Program is a 1-3 year competitive and selective mentorship opportunity for undergraduate nursing students who are strongly considering a career in pediatric nursing.

Nursing student participants are selected based upon their academic record, faculty endorsement, interest in pediatrics, and career goals as described in the goal statement application materials.

Click on the links below for more information regarding the program:


  • Participation in practicum experiences (averaging 1-2 hrs/week) that incorporate children in a variety of clinical settings under the direction of a faculty mentor and expert clinician(s).
  • Meet monthly with faculty mentor and other YPNCs to discuss group activities and other various topics.
  • Lead a minimum of one project per semester on a topic of interest and importance to pediatric nursing practice.
  • Participation in interdisciplinary Pediatric Grand Rounds a minimum of once per academic year, as academic schedule allows.
  • Attendance at the annual Pediatric Conference sponsored by UIHC and/or a regional or national pediatric conference a minimum of once per academic year as funding allows.


  • Opportunities to learn and practice leadership skills in pediatric nursing.
  • Work with a faculty mentor and expert clinician(s) who best facilitate your career development.
  • Opportunity to attend PNP or graduate class(es) in pediatric nursing.
  • Opportunity to partake in shadow experiences of RNs and/or ARNPs in the clinical setting.
  • Financial support to attend pediatric related conferences, as available.
  • Special recognition at graduation.
  • Certificate of Pediatric Clinical Practicum Excellence.
  • A valuable and unique clinical honor to your curriculum vita.
  • Develop a network of professional colleagues and potential employers.

Who will be my mentor?

You will be paired with a faculty mentor and expert clinician(s) who match most closely your clinical interests and professional goals.

Meet the YPNCs

Application Information


  • Completion of a minimum of one semester of nursing courses in the College of Nursing
  • Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher; in good academic standing.

The application consists of the following items:

  1. Goal statement (no longer than 1 page, 12-point font, single spaced) your clinical interests and professional goals as they relate to pediatric nursing, and your reason for interest in the YPNCP.
  2. Two (2) endorsements from faculty or other health care professionals, confirming your potential for a successful career and clinical leadership in pediatric nursing.
  3. Copy of most recent transcript


November 1 for spring enrollment in the YPNC program
April 1 for fall enrollment in the program

Please email all materials to:

Danielle Busta RN, MSN, CPHON, BMTCN ( & Katie Hildreith DNP, ARNP, CPNP-AC/PC (, Co-Directors, Young Pediatric Nurse Clinician Program

Young Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Clinician Program (Application Deadlines: November 1 for spring, April 1 for fall)

The University of Iowa College of Nursing Young Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Clinician program offers a competitive and selective opportunity for undergraduate nursing students who are considering a career in psych-mental health nursing. This mentored experience will facilitate the awareness of the great potential nurses have in providing services to this particular client population. Examples of settings include but are not limited to community mental health clinics, programs of assertive community treatment, psychiatric clinics, and primary care settings in which mental health is integrated. Nursing student participants are selected based upon their academic record, faculty member/faculty mentor/advisor endorsement, interest in mental health issues and career goals. 

What will be expected of me during the time of the program?

  • Participation in psych-mental health nursing experience averaging 2 hours/week, under the direction of a faculty mentor and/or expert clinician
  • Meet regularly with the faculty mentor and/or expert clinician to discuss current issues in psych-mental health
  • Attend a psych-mental health conference to advance awareness and understanding of care issues
  • Submit a poster abstract or op-ed on a relevant topic within the domain of psych-mental health

What benefits will I receive?

  • Work with a mentor who can facilitate your career development
  • Receive funds to travel to a psych-mental health conference
  • Receive recognition at graduation as a participant of the program
  • Develop an appreciation of the issues facing this vulnerable population

Requirements for Applying

  • A minimum completion of one year of the plan of study for the College of Nursing /or consent of faculty mentor/ faculty member/advisor 
  • Identified interest in psych-mental health nursing
  • Cumulative GPA of 3.25 or higher
  • Two support letters from individuals with evidence of an your interest in psych-mental health (one letter must be from an endorsement from a faculty mentor/faculty member at the College of Nursing)
  • One page goal statement describing your interest in psych-mental health and how this experience will advance your career goals


November 1 for spring enrollment
April 1 for fall enrollment

Send your completed application materials to:
Dr. Tess Judge-Ellis
Clinical Associate Professor
Attention: YPMHC Program
428 CNB

Young Nurse Educator’s Program (Application Deadlines: November 1 for spring, April 1 for fall)

The idea of a Young Nurse Educator’s Program was brought about after the birth of the College of Nursing’s Supplemental Instruction Groups.  Many leaders and assistants expressed an interest a career path of education after they found enjoyment in sharing their knowledge with other pre-nursing students. Through this excitement for teaching, YNEP came about to help cultivate and grow students to think about the idea of educating nursing students.

While the Young Clinician and Scientist Programs focus on their targeted audience of the community, geriatrics, pediatrics, and research, the Young Nurse Educator’s core population is the students

For more information, please see the YNEP brochure


To apply:

YNEP Application

YNEP Release of Transcript