Clarissa Shaw, PhD, RN

Assistant Professor

Dr. Claire Shaw’s program of research focuses on person-centered dementia care. She is currently the Site PI of the NIA funded R01 Changing Talk Online Training (CHATO) National Trial, which evaluates the impact of the CHATO communication intervention for elderspeak reduction on behavior of nursing home residents with dementia. She recently completed a NINR F31 predoctoral fellowship that evaluated the impact of elderspeak communication by nurses on resistiveness to care by hospitalized patients with dementia. She has been the recipient of grant funding from the Midwest Nursing Research Society, Sigma Theta Tau International, the Council for Advancement of Nurses, and the Richard and Barbara Csomay Center for Gerontological Excellence.

Curriculum Vitae

Research areas
  • Formal and informal dementia care
  • Person-centered communication
  • Preventing resistiveness to care with non-pharmacologic nursing interventions
Clarissa Shaw
PhD, University of Iowa
MSN, University of Iowa
BSN, University of Iowa