Studying abroad offers a chance to experience another culture firsthand, providing insights to how beliefs and values can influence health care choices. They let you see health care conditions and delivery systems that differ from our own, providing a deeper understanding of the world around you.

Students in India winterim program

India Winterim

*This opportunity is on hiatus. Please contact the Felton Student Success Center ( for further information.*

UI Students Receive Pain Management, End-of-Life Training Abroad

Travel with Dr. Stephanie Gilbertson-White to Trivandrum, India—a city located in the Southern tip of the country—where she teaches a three-week course titled “Hospice, Pain and Palliative Care.”

Each year, Dr. Gilbertson-White travels with students from the College of Nursing, as well as other University of Iowa Health Science students, and her team works alongside staff from Pallium India, a nongovernmental, nonprofit hospice organization. Six days a week, Pallium provides care for many of India’s poorest citizens. Part of their service includes home visits, which Dr. Gilbertson-White and her students assist with during their three-week journey.

A student with a child in Eswatini

Eswatini, Africa

This 2 week intensive practicum provides learning opportunities for students to apply the principles of public health combined with nursing knowledge and skills to address health promotion, disease and injury prevention, and nursing management of infectious disease and chronic health conditions. Nursing activities will focus on the improvement of health outcomes at the individual, family, community and global level within the context of population-focused practice.

Group of students and instructors in Netherlands


*This opportunity is on hiatus. Please contact the Felton Student Success Center ( for further information.*

We are excited to offer our global health educational experience for all UI CON graduate students each spring semester to the Netherlands! 

We will meet with Dutch students, tour health care facilities, participate in classes at Fontys University of Applied Sciences, and attend clinical shadowing days in your specialty area of interest. In addition, you will learn about the Dutch health care system, advanced practice nursing roles in the Netherlands, and major health conditions and cultural differences in the population. We will also have time to explore Amsterdam and other cities/villages in the Netherlands.  

If interested, watch for an email from Student Services sent in the Fall semester. This opportunity is open to all graduate students.