Person Type
- Any - Emeritus Faculty Graduate Assistant PhD Candidate Staff Student
Research areas
- Any - Aging, Community health, Caregiver Chronic illness: Cancer survivorship - breast, gynecological, Lymphedema self-management, symptom assessment, occupational rehabilitation, QOL Digital health, data science, informatics Heart failure symptom science Neurology and neurosurgery Nurse burnout and retention strategies Population health & health disparity Rural health and access to care Transition to practice Acute care of older adults Acute pain Acute Pain in the Chronic Pain Patient Acute Pain in the Patient with Chronic Pain Adolescent sexual health Adult/Gero nurse practitioner, long-term care Advance care planning Advance care planning and decision making Advanced practice nursing -- practice and policy Advanced practice nursing education Advanced Practice Provider Leadership Age-friendly health systems and communities Aging workforce Agricultural safety and health Agricultural workplace hazards Alzheimer's disease and caregivers ARNP Transition to Practice Autism spectrum disorders in children Bariatric surgery Behavioral interventions, dyadic communication/interaction, environmental stimulation Behavioral interventions, person-centered care, dyadic communication/interaction, environmental stimulation Behavioral, biologic, and hormonal determinants of bone density and body composition Bioethics Biological markers of stress Biological, psychological and social signatures of human stress Biologically-based weight management interventions Biomarker research related to obesity and its cardiovascular complications Breast milk EVs miRNAs in obese mothers and their effect on childhood obesity Breastfeeding Burn & critical care Cancer Symptom Management Cancer symptom science Capacity building Cardiology and electrophysiology Cardiovascular epidemiology Cardiovascular genetics Cardiovascular symptoms and risk factors Care of frail elders Care of older adults Caregivers Caregivers of persons with dementia Caregiving and support networks Case, disease and population health management Child and Adolescent Mental Health including ADHD, Autism, Anxiety and Depression Childhood obesity Children and family Children with chronic health conditions Children with physical disabilities Children’s health Chronic critical illness Chronic disease Chronic disease management Chronic illness Chronic illness outcomes Chronic pain Chronic pain and treatment in older adults Chronic pain in older adults and non-pharmacological pain management strategies Chronic Pain Management in Older Adults Classification of nursing language Clinical interest medical/surgical nursing Clinical nurse education Clinical Practice CNL interdependency Coexistence of chronic pain and substance use disorder Cognitive and behavioral neuroscience Cognitive-behavioral interventions to alleviate child distress during painful procedure Collaborative practice Collaborative practice with multiple disciplines for treatment and diagnosis Communication of Family Health History Information Communication skills Community & public health nursing Community and public health Community and public health nursing Community Health Community-engaged research Comorbid sleep disorders in chronic medical conditions Compassion fatigue and burnout in nursing Complex care in community-based settings Consequence of estrogen deficiency in premenopausal women Continence clinic Contraception Contraceptive management Coping skills for families of children in the PICU Critical care Critical care nursing Cultural competence for health care professionals Curriculum development CVD risk and morbidity Data Mining for Client Groups and Intervention Approaches Used in Community-based Care of Older Women with Circulation Problems Data Visualization Data-driven solution to predict nursing outcomes Dementia Dementia and multimorbidity Dementia Care in Long-term Care Facilities and Community-based Settings Depo-provera and bone mineral density Designing and evaluating patient-centered art making intervention Designing and evaluating patient-centered creative art making interventions Development and evaluation of maternal depression screening and treatment programs with an emphasis on low income and ethnic minority women Developmental disability Diagnosis and Treatment of Central Pain Syndromes Disclosure of genetic information Diversity in the nursing workforce Does a History of Stressful Life Events Moderate GI Inflammation in Chemotherapy-induced Gastrointestinal Toxicity? Dually certified nurse practitioners Dyadic and heart failure self-care in older adults Dysglycemia e-Health technologies and interventions End-of-life and palliative care End-of-life care Ethnicity and health behaviors Ethnogerontology Evaluating efficacy of non-pharmacologic pain management strategies Evidence-based health Evidence-based practice Evidence-based practice and quality assurance research Evidence-based practice in long-term care Factors associated with comorbid sleep disorders Faculty Practice and Community Engagement Familial health risk—perception and communication Family health Family management of chronic illness Family practice Fatigue in Adults with Myocardial Infarction Formal and informal dementia care Gastrointestinal microbiome GEMS shared governance General psychiatry Genetic disorders and families Geriatric mental health Geriatrics, Dementia Gerontology Global and international nursing Health care finance Health care for the homeless and underserved Health Care Policy Health care policy, finance and economics Health care quality and safety Health disparities Health disparities and equity Health equity Health literacy Health policy Health promotion Health promotion & wellness Health promotion and health maintenance Health promotion and resilience intervention development Health promotion for older adults Health services; health economics; and cost effectiveness Health system and community health performance improvement Health systems administration Health systems as high reliability organizations Health workforce engagement, empowerment and well-being Health-Seeking Behaviors of Low-Income Parents Health-Seeking Behaviors of Parents and Pediatric Emergency Department Utilization Healthcare Simulation Holistic admissions Hospice and palliative care Hospital safety culture Human factors including patient work applied to older adults living with and having surgery for spine disease Huntington disease Identification and treatment of depression and dispiritedness in later life Identifying and treating pediatric bipolar disorder Identifying Palliative and End-of-Life Care Outcomes Using Natural Language Processing Impact of dually certified primary care/psychiatric mental health nurse practitioners Impact of nutrient dense diet on clinical outcomes in primary and secondary progressive multiple sclerosis Impact of vitamin D supplementation on clinical outcomes in cystic fibrosis Implementation/translational methodology Implicit bias in health care Improving health care for marginalized communities Improving long-term critical care outcomes Improving the lives of older adults who experience depression, anxiety, and/or dementia by developing innovative and pragmatic ways to reduce disability and promote function Incontinence Infection control Informatics and data science Information Management in Families with Inherited Conditions Information technologies to augment health decision making Innovation in nursing Innovative active learning strategies Innovativeness Instrument development and validation Integrating primary care and mental health Integration of Mental Health into Primary Care International Health International health care International/minority health Interpreter service access for psychiatric patients with limited English proficiency Interpretive and descriptive phenomenological methods Interprofessional education Interprofessional education and practice Knowledge and perception of genetic information Leadership Leadership and nursing workforce Leadership development for CRNAs Learner-centered teaching Legal issues Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Transgender, and Queer health care Lifestyle factors contribute to Alzheimer's disease and dementia Long-term care staff training Machine Learning Management of Wound Infection Maternal-newborn interaction Mealtime behaviors, eating performance, food intake, function, and nutrition in older adults with dementia Mealtime difficulties, eating performance, function, and nutrition in dementia Measurement of pain in children Medical/surgical nursing Mental health & resilience Mental Health in LGBTQ+ Populations Mental health in the primary care setting Mental health promotion and health maintenance Mobile health technology Movement-evoked pain versus resting pain Moving evidence into practice Multimorbidities Multiple chronic conditions Network analysis Neuroanesthesia Neurodevelopmental pediatrics New Nurse Onboarding/precepting Newborn behavior Newborn Nursery Non-pharmacologic management of syptoms Non-pharmacological interventions Nonpharmacologic pain management Nonpharmacological pain management for children Nurse anesthesia Nurse decision-making Nurse health and burnout prevention Nurse Residency Programs Nurse retention and satisfaction Nurse-midwifery Nursing care for patients with concurrent medical and psychiatric diagnoses Nursing education Nursing informatics Nursing intervention testing research Nursing leadership Nursing outcomes Nursing Practice Guided by the Careful Nursing Philosophy and Professional Practice Model Nursing work Nursing-led Integrated Medicine and Healing Opportunities in Traditional Western Medicine Environments and How to Improve Culturally-based Care at the Bedside Nutrition Older adult care transitions Older adult function and participation in cognitive and social activities Older adults with spine disease Oncology Oncology Emergency, Self-management and Symptom Management in Cancer Oncology nursing Oncology/Hematology Optimal Fetal Positioning Organizational behavior and work environment Outcomes of care and effectiveness research Outpatient anesthesia Pain Pain and complication prevention and recovery after spine surgery Pain and critical care Pain assessment & management Pain in older adult -- assessment, treatment, and caregiver support Pain in the elderly Pain management Pain management and family caregiving Pain management and family caregiving Pain Management in Cancer Patients Pain Practices Among Oncology Inpatient Nurses Palliative and end-of-life care Palliative and hospice care Palliative care Palliative Care/ Dementias Symptom management Parental stress in the pediatric intensive care unit Patient education Patient participation in self-care behaviors Patient safety Patient Safety & Best Practices Patient-centered communication Patient-centered outcomes in advanced chronic conditions Patterns of change in weight, fat mass, lean mass and fat distribution among young adult women Pediatric cardiology Pediatric cardiology and cardiothoracic surgery Pediatric delirium Pediatric health disparities Pediatric intensive care Pediatric mental health Pediatric neurology Pediatric nurse practitioner role in primary care Pediatric nursing Pediatric Pain in Children That Are Mechanically Ventilated and Sedated Pediatric primary care Pediatric sedation and pain management Pediatric Vascular Access Perinatal biomarkers and biological mechanisms Perinatal mental health and preeclampsia Perioperative crisis simulation and team dynamics Perioperative medicine Perioperative patient safety Perioperative Teamwork and Communication Persistence Person-Centered Care for Family Caregivers of Persons with Dementia Person-centered communication Pharmacological pain management for children Physical activity and sedentary behaviors Physical Growth of Patients with Congenital Heart Disease Physical Growth of Patients with Congenital Heart Disease; Transition Care for Adolescent Patients with Chronic Disease Population health Population health screenings Post-intensive care rehabilitation Post-operative nursing Preventing resistiveness to care with non-pharmacologic nursing interventions Prevention and Management of Surgical Site Infections and Chronic Post-Surgical Pain Prevention of setbacks and delays for older adults with spine problems Primary care Primary care across the lifespan Primary care for migrant farmworkers Primary care for rural residents in long term care Prodromal Fatigue Experienced by Cardiac Patients Before Having Myocardial Infarction Professional issues Prolonged mechanical ventilation Promoting evidence-based practice and translation science Promoting safe care transitions Psychiatric clinical nursing education Psychiatric Mental Health provider for Meskwaki Nation - Sac and Fox Tribe of the Mississippi in Iowa Psychometric testing of instruments Qualitative and mixed methods research Qualitative methods Quality and Patient-Centered Measurements for Palliative and End-of-Life Care Quality and Safety - QSEN Quality and safety of perioperative care Quality assurance and quality improvement Quality improvement Quality improvement and error prevention Quality improvement and patient safety Quality of Nursing Documentation Reproductive aging, menopause, midlife women's health Reproductive pain Resilience and Biomarkers of Stress Risk factors and prevention of acute to chronic postsurgical pain Risk Factors for Recurrent Diabetic Foot Ulcers Rogers science of unitary human beings research and practice methodologies Rural delivery systems Rural homeless families Rural hospital medicine Rural populations Rural primary care Rural primary health care Safety culture in acute hospital settings simulation School health School health/school nursing Self-care Self-care in nursing Serious mental health illness Sexual and reproductive health Sexual assault intervention and prevention: certified and practice as a sexual assault nurse examiner Sexual education Sexual Function assessment in primary care Sexually transmitted infections Shared governance Simulation based education Simulation in education and health care Simulation in healthcare education Simulation in nursing education Simulation in patient care Sleep Sleep and circadian rhythms in aging Sleep and cognitive impairment in cardiovascular disease Sleep, Physical Activity, and Healthy Aging Social and environmental factors that affect aging Social and Healthcare Needs of Older Adults Social determinants of health Social support Social support networks and resources for transitioning older adults and caregivers Spanish speaking immigrant health Special rotations specializing in dermatology Spirituality and nursing practice Spirituality, Standardized Nursing Language, Clinical Decision Making, Nursing Informatics, Electronic Health Records Standardized language development and use - Nursing Intervention Classification - NIC Standardized Nursing Terminologies Stress mindset, resilience, and coping strategies from adolescence to aging Student transition into practice Substance Use in Older Adults with Persistent Pain Suicide management Surgical site infection Symptom Experience of People with Risk Factors of Cardiovascular Disease Symptom management on comorbid sleep disorders Symptom science Systemic Factors of Military Sexual Trauma Team communication and dynamics Teamwork and Communication Technology Use in Self-Management of Falls/Chronic Disease in the Older Adult Population Technology-based interventions with advanced data science Testing written emotional expressive as a meaning to enhancing health in informal family caregivers The evolution of teaching and continuing education The role of placenta-derived extracellular vesicle on gestational complications Theory-practice gap in nursing education Tool development and validation Transition Care for Adolescent Patients with Chronic Disease Transition Care for Adolescent Patients with Chronic Disease; Patient and Family-Centered Care for Pediatric Patients with Congenital Heart Disease Transition of the nursing student to novice practicing nurse Transition to Practice for Newly Licensed Nurses Transitions with hospitalization and illness events in older adults Translation research/implementation science Translational Research Trauma informed care Treating attention deficit hyperactivity disorder across the lifespan Type 2 diabetes self-management Underserved populations Unexplained physical symptoms - somatization Urology Usability of health information technologies Use of cognitive aids and safety checklists to improve patient safety Use of Immersive Virtual Reality Technology for Chronic Pain Management Use of nursing standardized languages to generate new knowledge Use of standardized nursing terminologies in Electronic Health Records Use of standardized nursing terminology - NIC/NOC Use of Virtual Reality Technology for Cancer Pain Management Utilization of best practices for simulation in nursing clinical education Value of Nursing Work – Data Mining for Client and Intervention Approaches Used in Community-based Care Vascular access in pediatrics Veteran's mental health Violence management Weight management Women veterans Women's health Women’s health Work Engagement Among Nurses in Acute Care Settings in Oman Work Environment and Work-Life Balance Work place culture Wound infection Wound pain