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College of Nursing: Important Policies and Procedures

College of Nursing Student Handbook

All students are responsible for following policies and expectations outlined in the University of Iowa College of Nursing student handbook, including but not limited to the CON Honor Code and minimum technology requirements.

Students are responsible for their own academic work and expected to have read and practice principles of academic honesty, as presented in College of Nursing student handbooks for either undergraduate or graduate students. 

Honor codes can be found at:

Information about academic standards and probation and dismissal policies can be found in the Student Handbooks at:

Classroom Expectations

Students are expected to comply with University policies regarding appropriate classroom behavior as outlined in the Code of Student Life

In the event that a student disrupts the classroom environment through their failure to comply with the reasonable directive of an instructor or the university, the instructor has the authority to ask that the student immediately leave the space for the remainder of the class period. Additionally, the instructor is asked to report the incident to the Office of Student Accountability for the possibility of additional follow-up.

Electronic Communication

Students are responsible for official correspondences sent to their UI email address ( and must use this address for all communication with the UI.  See Operations Manual, III.15.2:

The goal is to provide response to questions or individual concerns within the time specified in the syllabus unless otherwise notified by the faculty. 

Sharing of Class Recordings (if appropriate)

Some of the sessions in this course will be recorded or live-streamed. Such recordings/streaming will only be available to students registered for this class. These recordings are the intellectual property of the faculty and they may not be shared or reproduced without the explicit, written consent of the faculty member. Further, students may not share these sessions with those not in the class, or upload them to any other online environment. Doing so would be a breach of the Code of Student Conduct, and, in some cases, a violation of the Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).


Making a Complaint

Students with a complaint associated with faculty actions in this course, should first visit with the instructor of the course, informal academic complaint procedure.  If student is not satisfied with outcome of informal appeal, then the student may pursue the formal grade appeal procedure.  Full explanation and grade appeal procedures can be found in the Student Handbooks on the College of Nursing website:

Students may utilize confidential resources of the Office of the Ombudsperson at the University of Iowa:

Students may file a formal compliant as specified in the University of Iowa Operations Manual II-29.7:

Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

The University is committed to provide an educational experience that is accessible to all students. If you have a diagnosed disability or any other condition that would impair your ability to complete the course requirements as stated above, please inform me as early in the semester as possible, but no later than two weeks prior to the scheduled activity.  Students needing accommodations must register with Student Disability Services, (SDS): to obtain a Letter of Accommodation (LOA).  The letter will specify what course accommodations are reasonable for that student.  The office is located at 3015 Burge Hall, (319) 335.1462.

Your syllabus document will contain the text that resembles the following:

I would like to hear from anyone who has a disability which may require seating modifications, testing accommodations or accommodations of other class requirements so that appropriate arrangements can be made.  Please contact me by XX month, XX date, XXXX year or see me after first day of class or during office hours on this date XX/XX/XXXX.

Please refer to your syllabus for the specified date by which you should contact your instructor.

Mental Health

Students are encouraged to be mindful of their mental health and seek help if they are feeling overwhelmed and/or incapable of meeting course expectations. For assistance with the class, students are encouraged to talk to their faculty member. For additional support and counseling, students are encouraged to contact The University Counseling Service (UCS) in 1950 University Capital Centre Suite or 3223 Westlawn South.  Call 319-335-7294 to schedule appointments (Mon-Fri. 8AM-4:30PM). Find out more about the UCS at  After hours, call the Johnson County Crisis Line at 319-351-0140 or 911 if you are having a mental health emergency. 

Nondiscrimination Language

The University of Iowa is committed to making the classroom a respectful and inclusive space for people of all gender, sexual, racial, religious, and other identities. Toward this goal, students are invited in MyUI to optionally share the names and pronouns they would like their instructors and advisors to use to address them. The University of Iowa prohibits discrimination and harassment against individuals on the basis of race, class, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, and other identity categories set forth in the University’s Human Rights policy. For more information, contact the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity (; 335-0705 or

Sexual Harassment

The University of Iowa prohibits sexual misconduct, dating/domestic violence, and stalking in any form, including sexual assault or sexual harassment, and any form of nonconsensual sexual conduct.  Students should be able to live, study, and work in an environment free from all forms of sexual misconduct, dating/domestic violence, and stalking.
Incidents of sexual misconduct can be reported to the Office of Sexual Misconduct Response Coordinator (OSMRC) or to the Department of Public Safety.  If you are uncertain if what you have experienced from a student is sexual misconduct, view the Sexual Misconduct, Dating/Domestic Violence, or Stalking Involving Students policy.  If you are uncertain if what you experienced from a faculty or staff member is sexual harassment, view the Sexual Harassment policy.

Students impacted by a Title IX issue (sexual misconduct, dating/domestic violence, or stalking) may be eligible to request an academic accommodation.  Contact the Office of Sexual Misconduct Response Coordinator for assistance, definitions, and the full University of Iowa policy.

If you or someone you know experiences sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating/domestic violence, stalking, or any other behaviors prohibited under this policy, you are strongly encouraged to seek assistance and support.  Information about confidential resources (see the Confidential Resources: Where to Start video for an explanation) can be found here, Confidential Resources for Students.

Blood Borne Pathogen Exposure Procedure

If exposed to blood or other body fluids, students are expected to report the exposure and seek treatment as specified in the student health procedures.  If the exposure occurs during business hours, the student must use Student Health Services. If the student seeks treatment for an exposure via an Emergency Treatment Center, the student WILL receive and be responsible for a bill.  Blood and Body Fluid Exposure Student Health Service Phone 319-335-9704.  If SHS is closed, call UIHC ETC 319-356-2233 and ask to speak to Staff MD.

All students are required to be familiar with these procedures on the Student Health Service Blood and Body Fluid Exposure web page

If an event happens, the nursing student is to perform basic first aid on-site, report to clinical nurse on site to complete an incident report, and follow UI protocol:

College of Nursing Copyright Information

*Copyright © XXXX by THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA.  All rights reserved.  No part of this material may be reprinted, reproduced, or utilized in any form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

*NOTE: The year indicated in the syllabus will apply.