Ellen Cram, PhD, RN
Ellen Cram, PhD, RN is an Associate Professor, Clinical Track at the University of Iowa College of Nursing. She is a graduate of Allen Memorial School of Nursing, Coe College BSN program and holds master’s and doctoral degrees from the University of Iowa in nursing administration.
Dr. Cram brings a wealth of experience in nursing administrative practice to her teaching role. She worked at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics in the roles of clinical specialist, nurse manager, nursing supervisor and associate director. She has conducted research on operating room nurses’ role structure, job satisfaction, student learning outcomes and simulation. Her publications are focused on clinical topics, role design, staff recognition, student learning strategies and simulation. She is a reviewer for the Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSIH) journal. Dr. Cram’s clinical experience is primarily in the areas of burn care and critical care.
Dr. Cram was inducted into Sigma Theta Tau International in 1985 and is currently a member of the Gamma Chapter at the University of Iowa. In 2000, she received the honor of being named the Outstanding Iowa Nurse Leader of the year by the Iowa Organization of Nurse Leaders. In 2001, she received the Iowa Council on Disabilities Achievement Award for an innovative return to work program for nurses injured on the job. In 2010, she received a Technology in Teaching Award.
Locally, Dr. Cram serves on the Board of Directors for the Visiting Nurses Association of Johnson County. At the state level, she is a member of the Regional Action Coalition to enact the goals of the Institute of Medicine Future of Nursing Report. The committee is working to increase the proportion of nurses with a BSN. At the national level, Dr. Cram serves as a CCNE site evaluator for baccalaureate nursing educational accreditation and on the American Association of Colleges of Nursing Faculty Teaching Award committee.