Corey Landstrom is a self-described night owl originally from northern Minnesota who likes to run and can make a mean chili. A lover of all things music-related, he has seen Elvis twice (his mother was a huge fan), met Bob Dylan backstage at a show, and looks forward to seeing all kinds of live music at the Englert. A first-generation college graduate, Landstrom has built his career in higher education, working at six small colleges across the country before joining the College of Nursing as the director of the Felton Student Success Center.
When asked what brought him to the University of Iowa in October, Landstrom says that he was looking for a new opportunity that fit his experience but was also challenging and close to him home in Grinnell. Additionally, he had some experience with nursing at Luther College, where he was the vice president and dean for student life.
“I have always appreciated the nurses in my family, the nurses who served in student health services, a department I supervised at Luther College, and finally as a patient,” Landstrom says. “I deeply respect the professionalism that nurses bring to their work.”
Landstrom was also attracted to the unique culture of the college. “It was pretty evident when I came for my interview that this is a community that really cares about their students and who also care about each other.”
Spending time learning and understanding College of Nursing policies and processes has taken up much of his first 100 days on the job. He has also spent time meeting faculty and staff in the college and getting to know his team in order to prepare for the departmental reorganization they will be implementing in the coming months.
An aspect on Landstrom’s mind is how the Felton Student Success Center can maximize its impact for prospective and current students. “A key priority for me is to identify the populations and communities that we should be connecting with regarding our opportunities and meeting prospective students where they are in their decision-making process,” he says.
Outside of university-related work, he loves listening to music, so you may find him looking at vinyl records at local record stores – his favorite is Wax Xtatic in Marshalltown – or attending a live show.
As time and body allow, Landstrom also enjoys running and he and his partner like to visit their daughter in Decorah where she works as an AmeriCorps VISTA with a local non-profit.