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Undergraduate Didactic Course Policies

Students are expected to attend clinicals. Unexcused absences are a violation of the Nursing Honor Code and academic integrity. The attendance policy follows the University of Iowa Provost’s office official policy and the Office of the Registrar policy (Sources: The College of Nursing requires that students notify the instructor of the situation requiring a request for an excused absence PRIOR to start of the clinical/simulation day. Students are required to make up missed clinical and simulation laboratory experiences.

Students are not routinely required to provide documentation from a physician or other provider for routine illnesses such as the flu, colds, or other viruses. If there is a situation where contagion is a concern or ability to carry out clinical care safely, the student may be asked to provide documentation to return to academic or clinical activity.

A student with a longer illness - missing more than two days of clinical/simulation may be required to provide documentation for the absence at the request of the faculty. Examples of documentation include: presenting instructors with a health care provider note stating the student is under their care and includes date and signature; or print out of the date(s) and time(s) of the appointment(s) from MyChart, used by UIHC and many other health organizations.

Students with any patterns or concerns of clinical/simulation attendance will be required to meet with Associate Dean of Undergraduate programs. Students with ongoing health issues may be referred to Student Disability Services to screen for possible official accommodations.

Students participating in University activities are expected to give each instructor a statement before an absence signed by a responsible official that specifies the dates and times the student will miss class. Authorized activities include participation in athletic teams, marching and pep bands, debate teams, and other recognized University groups and field trips; service with the National Guard; and jury duty. Any student who is absent from a course must notify the course instructor of the reason for the absence. The course instructor will request that a student provide documentation for any absence before a student is allowed to make up missed work. The Absence from Class Form is available at

If students are proactively requesting an absence for a professional activity such as a convention or conference, they should use form available on the link above.

The nature of the learning in nursing may require the viewing and discussion of sexually explicit material.

Student work is expected to be submitted by the deadline established in the syllabus.  Then state your policy- options might include, late work will not be accepted, the penalty for late work will be 10% per day loss of credit, etc.

Students are expected to take the exams as scheduled. Once an exam begins, the student may not leave the room and return. Students may make up an exam only if they have an excused absence on the date of the exam. Exam make up must be scheduled within the week of the student return to academic activity. Students with approved accommodations for testing should work with SDS to schedule their exams. SDS testing requires pre-planning and students need to attend to the SDS deadlines. If a student misses the deadline, the student will be expected to test with their classmates without accommodations.

End of Program Evaluation Document Required

NURS:4170 Baccalaureate Seminar: ONLY the BSN Graduation Profile [Assessment of Student Achievement of Program Outcomes].