Current MSN-CNL student Amy Mundisev, RN, BSN, CEN, SANE-A, has been selected to participate in the Academy for Emerging Leaders in Patient Safety: The Telluride Experience—which will be held this July in Napa, Calif.
The academy offers a unique opportunity for active engagement, including interactive discussions and consensus building as it relates to the challenges and issues surrounding patient safety and high quality health care.
“I am excited about this opportunity and to be a part of an assembly that will focus on safety and quality,” said Mundisev. “I’m looking forward to utilizing the skills I’ve acquired from UI’s CNL program.”
This year’s conference will bring critical stakeholders together in an interactive format to address ethical, professional, legal and economic dilemmas regarding transparency and the need for effective communication skills … particularly when medical errors and adverse events occur. Participants will work side-by-side with patient advocates and safety leaders as they address critical issues in patient safety and transparency.
Mundisev, who works in Trinity Medical Center’s Emergency Room (Bettendorf, Iowa), is eager to learn new concepts and strategies and incorporate them into her department. She also hopes the academy will provide a platform enabling her to increase awareness and promote the importance of the CNL role.
“You were selected for this opportunity because of your leadership accomplishments and strong interest in and passion for patient safety and quality improvement,” wrote David Mayer, MD, vice president of quality and safety for MedStar Health.
The Telluride Patient Safety Experience combines international leaders in patient safety, informatics, human factors, simulation and health science education with patient advocates, students, and nurses to address important patient safety issues. Participants have demonstrated a history of strong leadership skills and are expected to formulate a quality improvement or risk reduction project during their time together in Napa.
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