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Application Requirements
Minimum cumulative grade point average is 3.0. All prerequisites and general education requirements must be completed prior to submitting an online application.
Application Instructions
- Initiate an online application at
- Select Undergraduate Application (new freshmen & transfers).
- Complete Section A - click Save & Continue.
- In Section B, select Nursing as your college.
- Select No to the question asking about licensure as a teacher.
- Select Yes or No to indicate whether you have a bachelor’s degree.
- Select Nursing (RN-BSN program for currently licensed nurses) in the drop-down box for Major Field of Study.
- Select which session you are applying for in the drop-down box.
- Complete Sections C, D, & E.
- In Section F enter your RN license number. If you are not licensed yet, enter all 9’s and indicate when/where you plan to take your boards.
- Answer Yes or No to the next two questions. If you answer yes to either question, you must enter an explanation. Failure to disclose or complete Section F will constitute an incomplete application and your file will not move forward to the Admission Committee.
- Complete Sections G & H.
- Verify, Validate, and provide payment.
- Official transcripts from all schools must be sent to:
Office of Admissions
The University of Iowa
107 Calvin Hall
Iowa City, IA 52242-1396
Financial Aid and Summer Admission
If you anticipate applying for scholarships where financial need is an eligibility requirement, you must also file the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). Find the FAFSA and Step-by-Step Instructions at
International Admissions
Well before the January 15 deadline, students with credit from schools outside the US should contact the Office of International Admissions regarding transferability of this credit.
Students should also contact the RN-BSN Program Office at the College of Nursing for advising and support.
IMPORTANT: Due to the online format of the nursing major year, international students on a student visa may be unable to meet requirements for SEVIS compliance, under current regulations.
Course Transfer Equivalency
If you took, or plan to take, course work at another college or university, use this equivalency guide to determine how those courses transfer to the University of Iowa. To determine how or if your courses will transfer, go to
Financial Aid
If you anticipate applying for scholarships where financial need is an eligibility requirement, you must also file the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). Find the FAFSA and Step-by-Step Instructions at
March 1
Fall Start
Sept. 1
Spring start