How do I find out what courses I need for my BSN?

Request a transcript evaluation.

Send an email to nursing-rn-bsn@uiowa.edu, answer the seven questions below, and attach an unofficial copy of your transcript(s).

  • Name (including maiden name if applicable)
  • Mailing Address
  • What month/year did you (or do you plan to) receive your nursing degree from the community college?
  • What year did you graduate high school?
  • Did you take a foreign language in high school?
  • If yes, what language and how many years (i.e., Spanish II, French III)?
  • List all colleges/universities you have attended

How much does the RN-BSN program cost?

Total tuition for the entire Iowa RN-BSN program is $15,136 ($473.00/credit hour).

How do I find the general education requirement (GER) courses marked “X” on my transcript evaluation?

To find courses that transfer to Iowa from your local community college for each requirement, use our Course Equivalency Guide at https://myui.uiowa.edu/my-ui/courses/transfer-sisearch.page?_ticket=tyJxF7wmSBC043f4Oc6YJd_iOMvySMBB. This is a tool for you to search for courses that transfer from the community college to the University of Iowa.

Brief instructions on how to use the transfer tool are as follows:

  • Click on the above link and use the drop-down boxes
  • Transfer Institution = put in school where you want to take your courses (local community college)
  • UI College = College of Liberal Arts
  • Select the curriculum area of courses = put in whatever is marked “X” need on your transcript evaluation (i.e. Literary, Visual & Performing Arts, International & Global Issues, Rhetoric, etc.)
  • Hit search

The courses that appear will transfer to Iowa for that particular requirement. Repeat the process for each “need” on your transcript evaluation. Do not select any “Career & Technical” or “Career Development” courses as they do not transfer. If you have trouble, call the program office and we can walk you through it (319-335-9214).

When should I apply to the University of Iowa?

We offer admission two times per year. Application deadlines are September 1 for spring (January start) and March 1 for fall (August start).

To find our online application and more detailed information, click here.

What are the admission requirements?

Minimum GPA of 3.0 or higher and the completion of:

  • Comp II
  • Speech
  • Statistics
  • 6 credit hours of general education requirements
  • 5 credit hours of elective credit

For more detailed information about our prerequisites, GER and GE requirements, see our website

How long is the RN-BSN program?

We offer three plans of study:

  • Full-time plan (3 semesters)
  • Part-time plan (4 semesters)
  • Part-time plan (5 semesters)

Students get the summer off.

For more detailed information, please take a look at our sample plans of study.

Am I eligible for scholarships and awards?

Once admitted, students can be considered for scholarships and awards administered by the College of Nursing. Also, there may be clubs and professional organizations in your community that provide scholarships directly to individuals. Such scholarships may be applied to University of Iowa tuition.

Tuition reimbursement for RN-BSN students is sometimes available from your employer. If this is a benefit you are eligible for, please note that we are happy to assist you in providing verification of registration to your employer. If official verification is required, we can direct you to the Office of the Registrar for official university verification.

Would it be a good idea to visit the campus in Iowa City?

As a prospective student, you may or may not be familiar with the UI campus. We welcome students to the Iowa City campus and especially hope you will visit the College of Nursing building. Although many of our students do not live and work in the Iowa City area, if you find that you will be in Iowa City for personal or professional reasons and will have time to stop by the Nursing Building, we hope you'll do so. You are always welcome.

Many RN-BSN students are recognized for academic achievement while they are in the College of Nursing. The College of Nursing is pleased to sponsor one of the oldest chapters of Sigma Theta Tau in the country and each year invites highly qualified students to join this prestigious honor society. The induction ceremony for Sigma Theta Tau is a very special day for honored students and their families.

Commencement is another special day that we would not want you to miss. This very special event is on campus each May and December for nursing graduates.

We hope to welcome you soon to the College of Nursing. We are here to assist you in meeting the challenges that await you as you begin your journey in completing your BSN, and hope your journey will lead you to one of our highly ranked graduate nursing programs. Go Hawks!