RN-BSN - Indian Hills Community College (IHCC) Select list
Values & Society or Understanding Cultural Perspectives (VSUCP)
- ANT 105 Cult Anthropology
- CLS 150 Latin Am Hist&Cult
- CLS 155 Brazilian Hist&Cult
- CLS 175 Native American St
- CLS 222 Surv of Latino Lit
- COM 140 Intro Mass Media
- COM 148 Diversity and the Media
- MUS 205 Jazz Hist & Appreciation
- PHI 101 Intro to Philosophy
- PHI 105 Intro to Ethics
- PHI 145 Intro Ethical Confl
- REL 101 Surv World Religion
- SOC 120 Marriage And Family
- WST 101 Women's Studies
Literary, Visual & Performing Arts (LVPA)
- ART 101 Art Appreciation
- ART 103 Art Excursions I
- ART 104 Art Excursions II
- ART 106 Mexican Art
- ART 107 Arts And Crafts
- ART 108 Art Western World
- ART 113 Graphic Design I
- ART 118 Design, Form & Func
- ART 119 2-D Design
- ART 122 3-D Design
- ART 133 Drawing
- ART 134 Drawing II
- ART 140 Painting
- ART 141 Painting II
- ART 142 Painting III
- ART 145 Water Color
- ART 146 Pastels
- ART 170 Ceramics
- ART 171 Ceramics II
- ART 172 Ceramics III
- ART 180 Found Photography
- ART 184 Photography
- ART 185 Photography II
- ART 200 Art History I
- ART 201 Art History II
- ART 202 Art History III
- ART 281 Color Photography
- ART 286 Photo:Portraiture
- DRA 130 Acting I
- DRA 210 Africn Amer in Film
- HUM 135 Humanities Erly Wld
- HUM 136 Humanities Renaiss
- HUM 137 Humanities Mod Wrld
- HUM 205 Humanities: Hero
- LIT 110 Am Lit to Mid-1800S
- LIT 112 Amer Lit:1945 to PR
- LIT 113 Amer Lit:1865-1945
- LIT 140 British Lit I
- LIT 141 British Lit II
- LIT 150 World Literature I
- LIT 152 Early Mod World Lit
- LIT 153 Modern World Lit
- LIT 157 Bible As Literature
- LIT 161 The Short Story
- LIT 165 The Novel
- LIT 171 Survey of Poetry
- LIT 175 Survey of Drama
- LIT 181 Myth And Literature
- MUA 101 Applied Voice
- MUA 102 Applied Voice II
- MUA 103 Applied Voice III
- MUA 119 Class Piano
- MUA 120 Applied Piano I
- MUA 140 Appl Mus:Jazz Imp I
- MUA 141 App Mus:Jazz Imp II
- MUA 142 App Mus:Jazz Im III
- MUA 143 Applied Brass
- MUA 144 Applied Brass II
- MUA 145 Applied Brass III
- MUA 170 Applied Woodwinds
- MUA 171 Appl Woodwinds II
- MUA 172 Appl Woodwinds III
- MUA 180 Applied Percussion
- MUA 181 Appl Percussion II
- MUA 182 Appl Percussion III
- MUA 201 Applied Voice IV
- MUA 202 Applied Voice V
- MUA 203 Applied Voice VI
- MUA 219 Class Piano II
- MUA 220 Applied Piano II
- MUA 221 Applied Piano III
- MUA 222 Applied Piano IV
- MUA 223 Applied Piano V
- MUA 224 Applied Piano VI
- MUA 240 App Mus:Jazz Imp IV
- MUA 241 Appl Mus:Jazz Imp V
- MUA 242 App Mus:Jazz Imp VI
- MUA 243 Applied Brass IV
- MUA 244 Applied Brass V
- MUA 245 Applied Brass VI
- MUA 270 Appl Woodwinds IV
- MUA 271 Applied Woodwinds V
- MUA 272 Appl Woodwinds VI
- MUA 280 Appl Percussion IV
- MUA 281 Appl Percussion V
- MUA 282 Appl Percussion VI
- MUS 100 Music Appreciation
- MUS 108 Jazz Appreciation
- MUS 202 World Music
- MUS 205 Jazz Hist & Appreciation
International & Global Issues (IGI)
- ENV 142 Natural Resources
- POL 121 International Relations
- SOC 147 Foreign & Domestic Terrorism
- GEO 121 World Reg Geography
Elective Credit (need total of 11 hours)
https://myui.uiowa.edu/my-ui/courses/transfer-sisearch.page?_ticket=tyJxF7wmSBC043f4Oc6YJd_iOMvySMBB. This is a tool for you to search for courses that transfer from the community college to the University of Iowa.
Brief instructions on how to use the transfer tool are as follows:
- Click on the above link and use the drop-down boxes
- Transfer Institution = Iowa Valley Community College Marshalltown, Marshalltown IA
- UI College = College of Nursing
- Select the curriculum area of courses = All Evaluated Courses
- Hit search
All courses on this list will transfer to Iowa except courses that are labeled “Career & Technical credit” or “Developmental Course”. Choose any 11 credit hours of courses (no "Career & Technical" or "Developmental Course").