RN-BSN - North Iowa Area Community College (NIACC) Select list
Values, Society & Diversity (VSD)
- ANT:105 Cult Anthropology
- CLS:121 Studies in Non-Western Cult
- HIS:254 Amer Indian History
- HIS:260 Latin Amer Hist/Clt
- LIT:130 African Amer Lit
- LIT:132 Lit Women of Color
- MMS:101 Mass Media
- PHI:101 Intro to Philosophy
- PHI:105 Intro to Ethics
- REL:101 Survey of World Religion
- SOC:120 Marriage and Family
Literary, Visual & Performing Arts (LVPA)
- ART:101 Art Appreciation
- ART:115 Graphic Design
- ART:116 Graphic Design II
- ART:120 2-D Design
- ART:123 3-D Design
- ART:133 Drawing
- ART:134 Drawing II
- ART:143 Painting I
- ART:144 Painting II
- ART:173 Ceramics
- ART:187 Creative Photo
- ART:188 Creative Photo II
- ART:203 Art History I
- ART:204 Art History II
- DRA:112 American Film
- DRA:119 Intro Theat,Tv&Film
- GRA:134 Digital Photography
- HUM:115 Enc in Humanities
- HUM:137 Humanities of Modern World
- LIT:101 Intro to Literature
- LIT:150 World Literature I
- LIT:151 World Literature II
- LIT:160 Short Story/Novel
- LIT:170 Poetry/Drama
- MUA:120 Applied Piano
- MUA:130 Applied Voice I
- MUA:131 Applied Voice II
- MUA:132 Applied Voice III
- MUA:184 Applied Saxophone I
- MUA:186 Applied Flute I
- MUA:187 Applied Oboe I
- MUA:188 Applied Clarinet I
- MUA:189 Applied Bassoon I
- MUA:191 Applied Trumpet I
- MUA:192 Appl French Horn I
- MUA:193 Applied Trombone I
- MUA:194 Applied Euphonium I
- MUA:195 Applied Tuba I
- MUA:196 Appl Percussion I
- MUA:197 Applied Drum Set I
- MUA:198 Applied Guitar I
- MUA:286 Applied Flute
- MUA:287 Applied Oboe
- MUA:288 Applied Clarinet
- MUA:289 Applied Bassoon
- MUA:290 Applied Saxophone
International & Global Issues (IGI)
- GEO:121 World Regional Geography
- POL:121 Internatl Relations
- POL:125 Govt & Comparative Politics
Elective Credit (need total of 10 hours)
Brief instructions on how to use the transfer tool are as follows:
- Click on the above link and use the drop-down boxes
- Transfer Institution = North Iowa Area Community College, Mason City IA
- UI College = College of Liberal Arts
- Select the curriculum area of courses = All Evaluated Courses
- Hit search
All courses on this list will transfer to Iowa except courses that are labeled “Career & Technical credit” or “Developmental Course”. Choose any 10 credit hours of courses (no "Career & Technical" or "Developmental Course").