Articles from October 2023
Best of Both Worlds: Customizing Your Nurse Residency Program
Tuesday, October 31, 2023
The Iowa Online Nurse Residency Program (IONRP) believes that clinical skills are best taught within the organization, and focuses on essential soft skills training instead, including effective communication, critical thinking, delegation, and professionalism. The IONRP works with sites to customize the content and incorporate their own facility needs, ensuring new graduates become well-rounded nurses.
Safety and De-escalation
Monday, October 2, 2023
Physical and verbal abuse against healthcare workers is increasing in the United States, with more than two nursing personnel being assaulted every hour. Workplace violence is four times more common in healthcare settings than in private industry. Though nurses in certain departments may be at higher risk, all areas of patient care must raise awareness and prevent violence against healthcare workers. Healthcare facilities are responsible for ensuring staff, patient, and visitor safety and security.